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Previous Shows

This is just a small selection of our previous shows...

Director's Cut

Director's Cut revolves around Max Montgomery, a director whose job is at stake as he tries to convince the new owners to continue producing musical shows at an off-Broadway theatre. Max has gathered a cast of performers at short notice to showcase the beauty of musical theatre to the new owner, Mr. Goldstone. Unfortunately, the cast's egos are getting in the way, and with little rehearsal time, it's uncertain if Max can convince the new owner to keep producing musicals. Will he manage it? 


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Christmas With the Starrs!

What a wonderful time was had by both performers and audiences this Christmas!  We had a really appreciative group of people watching our shows and they all said how much they'd enjoyed it.  Unfortunately, our second night ran into a big problem when one of our performers (Keira Kelly) became very ill right before going onstage. We quickly explained to our audience and luckily there was a table full of previous members of our society, and our lovely friend, Jill Ives, offered to go on stage. Much hilarity followed due to the content of the script. We want to thank Jill for stepping in during an emergency and Julie Stringfellow of Bledlow Ridge Village Hall, who managed to find a medic in the village. Happily, Keira recovered enough to go on in the second Act. Panic over, thankfully! Our new members stepped up and helped the show run smoothly, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.  


Murder Most Musical poster 2019

Murder Most Musical

Well, I never!  It all started out as an idea for a concert with readings from Agatha Christie books, and songs from the era, but the more we thought about it, the more it seemed a great idea for a full-length show.  Obviously, with the subject of murder mystery, it had to be well thought out and the songs had to be just right from start to finish. Quite a task as you can imagine.  With so many red herrings we could have started a market stall, it all came together in the exciting denouement!

Amelie's Boutique

Tells the story of an aspiring fashion designer who has to claw her way up from the worst possible situation to become a successful and renowned business owner. Set in the 1980’s, it has a wealth of comedic characters and some fantastic show tunes. We make a fleeting visit back to Paris of the 1950’s to see how Amelie overcame adversity and found happiness at last in a leafy Oxfordshire village. People from all over bustle to visit the shop and buy the beautiful gowns. But things don’t always go to plan…

Amelies Boutique poster
All Kinds of Everything poster

All Kinds of Everything

One of our famous cabaret shows! Lots of fun and comedy all served up with a Ploughmans!  We love doing this type of show as it doesn't tie us down to a particular show or genre - we can just focus on providing a good night's entertainment. We choose lots of well-known songs and string them together with a little CMT magic, et voila, a wonderful night is had by all!


A fun and frolicsome look at Movie Musicals through the decades.   Some of our all-time favourites worked into a wonderful story of an old man’s memories of his time as a projectionist. There are plenty of solos, duets, trios and stirring chorus numbers – happy,  sad and just plain funny. We had a lot of fun doing this show and the audience went away very happy! 

Tribute poster
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