Kim Wilcox
16 Aug 2023
Come and learn some new skills...
We have some changes in the pipeline!
In order to carry out our plan for growth we are in need of the following:
Stage Crew
Front of House volunteers
and lots more!
We don't need people with loads of experience, we just need those with a willingness to learn and a can-do attitude. We aren't looking for polished performers (although they are more than welcome). What we want, what we really really want, is people who are willing to join in, who don't mind taking on other roles, who are enthusiastic - we can show you how to make our shows a success. Most of all, you shouldn't be afraid of moving out of your comfort zone. For most people, singing in front of an audience is terrifying. What we can do is give you the skills to feel comfortable doing that. Rehearsals can be hard work, but the appreciation of a live audience is one of the best feelings in the world. So, if you enjoy singing, dancing, or acting, and have ever wondered what it would be like to perform, take the chance. You won't regret it!
We also need people who'd like to be part of a group, but are not interested in being on stage. Without the crew behind the stage and front of house, we couldn't put on our shows. That goes for musicians as well. If you can handle a drill, paintbrush, or saw, we need you. Sell raffle tickets, same goes. Show people to their seats, or help behind the bar - bring it on! It takes a lot of time and effort to put on a show and the more the merrier as far as we are concerned.
Please contact us at chinnormusicaltheatre@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to visit us.