Hey There!
Being a member of Chiltern Musical Theatre is more than just singing!
We'd like all our members to get the best out of themselves and their fellow performers. We want to make the whole experience as welcoming and painless as possible, which is why members are given everything they need to bring the best out of themselves. We try to follow a rehearsal schedule, (although situations crop up that make it difficult at times). We provide most sheet music, however, if you have access to a printer, we can provide everything to you for you to print at home. We offer links to videos, basic music theory lessons, notes on blocking, etc. If you can't find what you're looking for, please let us know. The only thing you really need to bring is a pencil and notebook. And your enthusiasm, of course!
If You Love Performing, You've come to the Right Place!
Forget everything I've said about it not always being about performing on stage - chances are, the only reason you're on this page is because you have a yearning to be in the spotlight! Well, that's okay, in fact, it's more than okay, it's brilliant! The more the merrier as far as we're concerned. Maybe you're the next Adele, or a wannabe Ed Sheeran, or maybe you spend your time practicing your 10,000 hours to become the next Eric Clapton. Whatever you're into there's plenty of scope here at Chiltern Musical Theatre. Just because we have musical theatre in our name doesn't mean that's all we're interested in; sometimes we write our own shows and sing different versions of more up-to-date songs. If you can play a musical instrument all the better, because professional musicians cost a bomb, let me tell you! We have our own pianist, but still welcome other keyboard players. Or bassists, drummers, trumpeters, ukelele, or even the humble triangle! And if you can dance we'd roll out the red carpet for you (if we had one!) What I'm trying to say is that we are desperate for performers. We used to have dozens of members, but they've all moved on in their lives and now we need new blood. We don't care how old you are either as in the past we've had people from 16-80+ so don't worry that you're too old (although you do have to be 16 or over because we can't provide chaperones).
Where are you? Amateur Musical Theatre companies always find it difficult to find men to appear on stage, yet you never find that in professional companies - why is that we wonder? Is it because you don't have confidence in your abilities? No, it can't be that, we've had many male members that have been astonishingly good. Is it because you don't think you'll fit in? Why not try it and see, what have you got to lose? Do you think you have to be a certain kind of person? It's not true, there are no rules - gay, straight, non-binary, whoever you are, just be you, you'll be a welcome member. Afraid your mates will laugh at you? Who cares what they think, be brave enough to ignore their comments. Plus, men always get main roles because there are so few of you willing to take the plunge, whereas we women (and there are always more women than men) have to fight for roles! However big a part you want to play in our society, we have a place for you. We also like to have a lot of fun, and we wouldn't like you to miss out.
So don't be shy, give it a try!
Of course, we still need backstage and Front of House crew too, so if performing isn't for you, we still need you! Come along and see what we're about.